Living Out Loud

20 Sublime Moments

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p>Keeping it positive for #WeblogPoMo2024. Everyone has their favorite moments, their favorite memories. These are mine. None of them are particularly monumental and thankfully some of them are downright commonplace. Lucky me.

Twenty Favorites

1. The sound of my grandkid's feet running up the sidewalk to see who can get to our front door first
2. Unexpectedly hearing a Beatles song because I know the lyrics to just about all of them and I can sing along
3. The way I feel when I get on an airplane to go on a trip (if it's on time that is)
4. The memory of my kids when they were really kids 
5. Books that are good from the opening paragraph all the way through to the last line.
6. The particular grunt-grunt-smack sound produced when a hard working pitcher throws a fastball past a batter.
7. Eating oysters in a restaurant when somebody else stands there and shucks them for me.
8. Picking the first ripe tomato off of the plants I started in March.
9. Reading email from my family and friends.
10. Sitting on my deck looking at the oak trees in my yard and knowing that those are MY trees.
11. Going to a restaurant and being able to order "the regular"
12. The mountains of NC
13. Watching my friend's kids and grandkids grow up.
14. Seeing a dog acting happy to see its human after a separation
15. A quiet house, an unread newspaper, and a hot pot of coffee.
16. People who refuse to listen to racial jokes.
17. Hearing somebody say "It's really coming down out there," and looking out the window and noticing the snow is actually sticking this time.
18. That period of time in the spring and fall when neither the heat or air conditioning is needed.
19. The practice of waving to folks who do favors in traffic.
20. Wonder Woman, still smiling at me every weekend in the diner where we eat breakfast so I can take her picture for the 1,000th time