Living Out Loud

Adventures in Grandparenting

Lou, Evie, Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman and I are in the middle of a weekend being live in grandparents for three of our grandchildren: Connor, 16; Aiden, 14; and Evie, 5. Our daughter and son-in-law are off visiting their oldest son, Darien, 18, who is in his freshman year at Virginia Tech. Times have changed. When I was younger, we always went to my grandparents; they didn't come to us. However, we are youngish and mobile, and we don't mind traveling. It's easier for the two of us to go places than it is for any of our kids to pack up their families and come to our house. Our first evening consisted of Wonder Woman and Evie dropping Aiden off at his high school to get ready for his marching band duties at Friday night football. Then the two of them went to the little one's Tae Kwon Do practice while Connor and I hung out, ordering some Grubhub for supper and awaiting their return.

When they got back, we ate and left for the football game. A high school football game is a fun experience that doesn't seem to have changed much in the 40+ years since I played. There are booster club parents working in the concession stand selling hot dogs, popcorn, and cold drinks. You can hear the marching band warming up while the players do the same on the field. Tired-looking teachers and administrators keep their eyes on things, and the high school kids move about in the timeless mating rituals of American teenagers. The cheerleaders are doing their thing, and a recent addition to the process, the dance team, performs at the opposite end of the field. The game itself was exciting, with some thrilling runs from scrimmage, long pass completions, and a few really good hits from a ferocious linebacker.

I stayed up past my bedtime but slept well. We got up before the kids, of course, but as they gradually arose, we made sure they were fed and dressed. Evie had a morning piano lesson. After lunch, our next adventure was taking them to a corn maze. Connor has mobility issues and is in a motorized wheelchair, which he drove through the corn maze while his brother and sister led the way. He only tipped it over once in front of a horrified family who rushed to help him. That was nice of them, but he was fine. We also visited the petting zoo, which had baby goats, pot-bellied pigs, and floppy-eared rabbits. Connor and I sat out the hayride, which involved standing in a long line in the bright sun. Instead, we sat on the sidelines, eating ice cream and waiting for the others. After the hayride, the youngest two picked out a pumpkin each to take home.

On the way home, we stopped by a guitar store so Aiden could get a cord for his electric guitar. He also plays the drums and keyboard. Evie is a budding keyboard player too; we got her a miniature pink one last Christmas, and it is set up in her dining room.

Tonight, we are going out for burgers at a place with bottomless French fries and gluten-free buns for Wonder Woman. I'm told that tomorrow, before we go home, we are going to see a movie about a wild robot. I seldom ask questions; I just go where I am told, and I usually enjoy it.

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#Family #Grandchildren