Brand Loyalties
I do as much as I can to escape advertising. I only watch streaming television, and whatever the ad-free version of a service costs, that's what I am paying. The majority of my web surfing is done on the Indy Web, where ads are rare, and in any event, I run about four kinds of ad prevention software on my computer. I rarely listen to the radio, and when I do, it's to a public, non-commercial station.
I'd like to think that when it comes to making purchasing decisions, I'm minimally influenced by corporate marketing campaigns, but there isn't a good way to verify that. The obvious case of brand loyalty in my life is in my technology choices. My computer, phone, tablet, watch, and streaming device are all made by the same fruit company from Cupertino, California. Apple has done some really evil stuff lately, like taking 30% of the dough that Patreon collects. Patreon is a service that independent podcasters and other creative types use to take donations from listeners. We are talking small potatoes here, and the richest corporation in the history of capitalism has to get its greedy hands on a portion of it. Shame!
I've been driving the same car since the Obama administration, and it was a family hand-me-down. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, prefers to have something a little newer and more trustworthy. Her last two cars have been Subaru Outbacks, a specific choice both times and not just what the dealer happened to have on the lot. This last one we got is the nicest vehicle either of us has ever owned, and if there is a reason to be loyal to a brand, Subaru has earned it through quality and design.
Both of us have had times in our lives when we had to count every penny. We don't have to live like that today. I celebrate that fact by avoiding house brands and generics when possible, and she does the opposite. We usually compromise, and there are a few things on which we absolutely agree. There will be nothing but quality mayonnaise in our house. She rarely uses it. Off-brand diet soda is a no-go. Other items like ketchup, cleaning supplies, and washing powder are inconsistent. There is no brand loyalty. Because of her celiac disease, she has a limited choice on a few dietary items, and that means Kind snack bars and Canyon Gluten Free bread get purchased regularly.
Clothing is another area where I'm fiercely loyal in a few areas and ambivalent in others. I have worn Levi Strauss blue jeans since the 70s, and I will wear them until I die. I am also partial to Carhartt work pants and Keen's sandals. As a competitive runner, Wonder Woman's shoe choices are based on research, reviews, podcasts, word of mouth, and general voodoo. Currently, her brand choice is Altra, but the running gods may be pushing her towards Topos for technical reasons. When it comes to running, she tends to eat and drink the same stuff over and over too. We don't call that food and water, though. It is referred to as hydration and nutrition. Get with the program.
When I listened to more podcasts, I was prone to try stuff from their sponsors. That's why I have a Harry's razor. The other day, I came home to a jar of black currant oil capsules, and when I mocked her for reading too many athletic nutrition articles, Wonder Woman politely told me to shut it; they were from a podcast sponsor. I didn't say another word.
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