Living Out Loud

Living Out Loud Update


Life has been pretty good lately. Despite having COVID last week and missing a couple of days of work, I've managed to keep up with all my personal projects. I'm currently on an unbroken streak of posting to at least one blog a day going back all the way to April 1 when the photo challenge started. I completed that challenge, WebLogPoMo2024 in May, Junited in June and have been on my own posting frenzy since then. Blaugust starts next week and I'm all in on that. I was supposed to contribute to Robert Birming's July Reply but I stll haven't found just the right post. From my arbitrary start date of June 1, I am on Day 53 of #100DaysToOffload.

I haven't written much about Obsidian or productivity in the past three weeks for a couple of reasons. I'm having a problem coming up with something organic to write about. I only like writing about the workflow and tools that I use in real life and I am resisting writing about parts of the apps I don't use just to have something to post. I still have quite a backlog of apps to review and in the past week alone I have been contacted by four different developers asking me to review their apps.

I managed to dig up some of my long lost work from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. It had a pretty good copy of the blog I wrote in 1997-98. I rescued a few of my old essays. Some of it was pretty cringeworthy. Language has changed in the past 30 years. In 1997 I was still writing about going to Oriental restaurants.

The other thing that's going on is my work with Jedda on We currently have 140 hand curated blogs categorized for your perusal and are still taking submissions of personal and recently updated blogs for inclusion. We just added a master RSS feed and have some behind the scenes plans to include more features as time permits us to implement them.

I've been using Komments, developed by on my blogs for the past few weeks and I'm digging it. I get more feedback from them than I ever have from Letterbird or guestbooks. I encourage you to give them a try.

At work, this is the last week of our shortened summer schedule where we get Friday afternoons off. The faculty comes back next week and one of my jobs is onboarding new hires with their technology needs. This is happening simultaneously to the implementation of a new system of preparing devices through Microsoft Intune AND the upgrading of devices to Windows 11. I'm already grouchy about it all, but I will be all smiles for the new folks so as to make a good first impression and to help them get off to a good start.

Wonder Woman is busy training for a couple of tough races happening in late summer and early fall. She is doing the Iron Mountain 40-Mile Trail Run on August 31, held on the route the Appalachian Trail followed before it was rerouted many years ago. Four weeks after that, she is competing in the OG Yeti 100-Mile Endurance Run on the Virginia Creeper Trail running from Abingdon, Va to the Whitetop Station. I will, of course, be there crewing for her.

That's all the news that's fit to print. As ever, I'm always available for software advice, to take a stab at your tech woes, to offer encouragement in your Indy Web endeavors, and to be your ally in whatever struggle we've got going on this week. I'm excited about November and cautiously hopeful that our democracy will continue in the US.

As one of my favorite TikTokkers says, "Follow me. I'm delicious!"

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