My Partner
I am deeply and hopelessly in love and there's not much I can do about it. Luckily, the object of my affection is my wife of eleven years. Whenever we are separated, regardless for how long, I unconsciously begin a countdown in my mind until I see her again, even it it's just from the beginning of the work day until lunch. I've never known anyone as well as I know her. I can tell her mood from the sound of her footsteps as she descends the stairs from our bedroom into the living room. Neither of us ever attempt to hide an emotion from the other, so intune we are with each other's feelings.
My wife is a classic introvert. Our home is her haven, the place where she recharges her batteries. I long ago accepted the responsibility for answering every knock at the door and being the one to deal with tradesmen with rare exceptions. We typically go almost everywhere together, even to get haircuts or visit the dentist. A weekly trip to the supermarket is a joint venture. I feel completely comfortable by her side and over the years have learned to assume that the answer will always be yes when I ask her to accompany me somewhere. We do occasionally go our own ways, but it's the exception, not the norm.
She has good genes does my wife. She is a careful eater and a devout exerciser. In her late 50s with 13 grandchildren, she doesn't appear to have aged a day from when I met her at a hundred-mile bicycle ride in 2011. She stopped coloring her hair when I told her it didn't matter to me and she has had a few grey streaks as long as I've known her, but they don't multiply. Her cheeks have the deepest dimples when she smiles, which is frequently. She is a very demure 5ft3in, but carries herself like an Amazon. I tease her relentlessly about her diminutive stature and she mostly ignores me. I've never seen her fail to lift anything she's attempted to pick up. The two of us carried every piece of furniture into our house unaided.
I can be difficult to live with. I may be the best procrastinator on planet Earth. I've never met a tomorrow I didn't like. I'm messy. I'm forgetful. I've had prolonged bouts of depression during our marriage. She doesn't exactly overlook my faults but she tends to concentrate on the things she likes more. She eats my cooking enthusiasticly. She is a willing recipient of my frequent displays of affection. She appreciates my technical skills and will message me for support from anywhere. I've never had an interest she hasn't supported and vice versa. She's the best at being encouraging without nagging and there are times when I need lots of encouragement. I have referred to her as Wonder Woman so frequently and for so long other people now call her that.
Lest you think I exaggerate her awesomeness, she does have a fault. One. She can be a bit impatient. Please don't drive in front of her and slow down. I've been in the Army and worked in a prison, but I've never known anyone who can cuss like she does behind the wheel.
Other than that, she's perfect.
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