Living Out Loud

My #Weblog2024 Retrospective


If something is worth doing in my world, it is worth overdoing, so for #WeblogPoMo2024, I wrote not one, but two posts every day, one for this blog and one for my app review site, AppAddict. After the first week, I managed to stay a day ahead for the rest of the month using the scheduled post feature of Scribbles. I don't have a list of things to blog about (yet) so I'd usually start brainstorming in the afternoon until an idea struck me and then I'd type it out in the last hour before bed.

I'm much better at doing things consistently than just once in a while. I love a good streak. What was good about the writing challenge was seeing what other people came up with. It took on the feel of a daily check in with friends as people became less and less guarded through the month.I now have a list of people I'd email ahead of time to meet for a coffee if I ever traveled through their town - even if some of those towns are in Sweden, Italy, England, Canada and beyond!

I also blog on mostly about tech stuff so I wanted to make this space about something else. I'm amongst the oldest of the GenX olds. I missed being a Boomer by about 50 days. As my generation ages (we start retiring in just five years!), I think there's a need for our voices to be heard. We are the ones who saw the world the Boomers were given begin to disintegrate. Many of us were on the cusp of the Internet generation and our kids are among the fist to grow up online. Blogging is a natural fit for us.

Now on to Junited!