Living Out Loud

Quit Being Paranoid


Being appropriately cautious is a survival skill. We have evolved to do things like sniff food before we eat it to make sure it isn't spoiled and to keep our guard up around strangers. A lot of human behavior is understandable in that context. I wouldn't consider myself reckless in any way. I drive cautiously enough. I haven't been in any kind of physical confrontation in decades.

Certain cautious behavior is gender based and makes perfect sense. Like most men, I don't think about being the victim of sexual assault. Most people have individualized reasons for their comfort with risk. I get it.

Having said all that, I'm still not cool with paranoia. There is a certain amount of risk inherent in being a functional adult and no one gets to escape from all of it. When I see a person who is so risk averse that they deprive themselves, or worse, they deprive others, it drives me nuts. I like computers and software. It's kind of my thing. I see many, many people who act terrified to install or use all kinds of software out of unfounded or unspecified fears. I'm not just talking about technologically ignorant people either. There are people in my industry who think that there is something or someone nefarious behind every new app. There are ways to investigate these issues and ways to mitigate risk. Quit being paranoid!

In jobs I have had, I trust that my bosses have enough faith in me to make professional decisions when a new situation arises. It's a judgment call, of course. There are times when one needs to seek guidance. Most of the time, however, I have no problem making a call and moving forward to get a job done. If my decisions are questioned, I feel fairly confident that I can defend them. I am sure you have encountered people though who get paralyzed if they are faced with the unknown. They come to a dead stop and act as if they just know they will "get in trouble" if they do anything without running it by the boss first. I want to grab these people by the neck and shake them. Quit being paranoid you sorry excuse for an adult. Quit trying to evade all responsibility. Grow a pair.

Then there are the people who are sure that the mysterious "they" are out there thwarting progress and holding back the common man. The people who blame "them" without ever trying to get to the bottom of who "they" might be are another category I'm pretty derisive about. There is no doubt that giant corporations do not have society's best interest at heart. Capitalism is not structured that way. Rather than railing against the unknown, however, learn to name and shame the people and organizations behind your oppression. Let that knowledge influence how you vote and where you spend your money. We have limited power as individuals, but we do have some, plus we have the power to organize and to take collective action. That's how slavery was ended, how women got the vote, how child labor was outlawed and how every labor protection in existence came into being. Quit being paranoid. Do something!

If anything about this offends you, I do not apologize. Quit being paranoid!

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