Living Out Loud



I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't enjoy eating a can of sardines. There have to be a lot of people keeping me company because the grocery stores keep selling them, but for over 20 years, all I've heard when I opened a can for lunch at my desk is complaints. There seems to be no other food (other than microwaved fish) that entitles people to leverage criticism and complaints like an innocent can of sardines does. I've had people insist that I leave the office, that I should never pour the excess oil into the garbage can, and that the consumption of them should be permanently banned. None of this stopped me from eating them. At my previous job, if you bugged me about my lunch once too often, I'd wait for you to take a day off and then use your trash can to drain the excess from a new can. Oh, and I'd leave the empty can for you in there too.

I like all kinds of sardines. We can get them here in the South in a variety of flavors, including mustard and hot sauce. Those are the cheapest varieties. The more expensive types, brislings, are generally packed in olive oil. Super tasty! I also enjoy other types of tinned fish and seafood, including kippers and smoked oysters. Of course, everyone grew up eating canned tuna, and a lot of people seem to consider it the only acceptable variety to consume. Some older people (like me) like canned salmon too, bones and all. It's best when made into fried salmon patties with the addition of breadcrumbs, onions, and an egg. My aunt used to make a salmon loaf, similar to meatloaf, for dinner once a week.

On a recent trip to the hip city of Austin, TX, my host took me to a couple of upscale grocery stores where there was an amazing variety of sardines and other tinned fish and seafood. Evidently, the cool kids have discovered them. I was shocked at the price tag on a few of the offerings. Some were well over $10. What I have always considered to be a working man's lunch seems to be on the road to gentrification. My favorite way to eat them is at home, where I can toast a couple of slices of good whole wheat bread, slice a red onion, and slather mustard all over a drained can of standard-issue sardines. It makes a nice thick, filling sandwich, and it always satisfies me.

Just once, when traveling in Italy, I ate at a Sardinian seafood restaurant and had the fresh variety. That was over 20 years ago, and if Wonder Woman ever takes me to Europe, you can bet that I will be eating them again.

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