Living Out Loud

Using the Mute Button on Social Media


Like any sane person in the modern age, I try my best to curate an online experience that doesn't stress me out, bore me or waste my time. Thankfully most of the web sites where I spend my precious leisure time have all the tools I need to do that, not that I am that picky.

On Mastodon my muted keywords are :

And that's it. Every so often I will mute a hot story that is getting beat to death or something related to a sportsball event I don't care about.

Thankfully, the other part of curation, user management, isn't too hard. I don't follow anyone on the right any more. There's no longer such a thing as a principled Republican. Either they've abdicated like Liz and Dick Cheney and George Will or they've sold their soul. Period. Other than Gruber, there's only been one person in the tech space I had to mute, some dude from Iceland who's whole schtick is how smart he is and how dumb everyone else is. The guy never had anything pleasant to say and although he seemed pretty smart, he was too much of a Debbie Downer for me to give space in my head to. On Facebook where I go mostly to keep up with family and IRL friends I have a one strike rule - make me mad one time and I block you. Ask my Dad. The only other social media space I frequent is Reddit where I participate in three communities, all tech related. I don't suffer fools there either. If you want to get personal and insulting because I like a different browser than you, you're a weirdo and I'll block you quickly because ain't nobody got time for weirdo duty.

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