Living Out Loud

What Do You Do on That Thing All Day

A man on a laptop on the couch

According to Apple, my laptop weighs only 2.7 lbs., but it is mighty. My favorite place to use it is while sitting on my couch in the living room of the house where I have lived since 1996. I like it best when Wonder Woman is also on the couch with the iPad that is her weapon of choice. That's how I watch TikTok - on her iPad held up across the room. Anyway, back to my laptop.

I ordered it last December. I had a 2020 Intel MacBook Pro but it had a small hard drive and I'm not going to lie, I just wanted a new powerful computer. I'm in a position these days where I'm collecting a retirement check and working a full time job, so I could afford it. We drove to the nearest Apple store after work on a weeknight, braving the holiday traffic on a 150-mile round trip. We got home before 9:00 and by the time I went to bed I'd transferred my profile and hundreds of apps from my old laptop to my new one.

My laptop is the first thing I reach for after I grab my morning coffee. The first order of business is to start a page in my journal, a decade old habit. After I do that I copy the app review I wrote the night before over to Reddit. All of my blog posts are on a schedule to post automatically from the day before when I wrote them so I don't have to worry with them. I get up way early, 4:30am and my European friends are already posting on social media, so I head over to Mastodon and to see what they are up to. I also check Facebook for any family news. What I don't read is the actual news, I only do that once a day right before I go to sleep. If I am inspired, I might post something on Mastodon or update my OMG.LOL status before heading off to work.

When I get home, I fix dinner for Wonder Woman and I before I get back online. If we don't watch any TV, I start writing. I have to pick out an app to review. Sometimes I just select one of the many on my hard drive. Sometimes I'll download something I've read about and poke it for awhile to discover its features before writing them up. I usually have an idea about what I want to put on my links blog. It's eclectic, sometimes it's computer related, other times its preachy social justice stuff or just something I think is interesting and want to share. After I knock that out, I write the day's entry in this blog. Sometimes I know what I'm going to write but often I don't. That's when Wonder Woman asks me "What's wrong?" I guess I get a worried look while I'm reaching for inspiration. If nothing comes quickly, I head for R. Scott Jones Blog Prompts site. That's how I end up writing about tattoos or old jobs sometimes. By the time I finish writing Wonder Woman is usually already in the bedroom so I get off the computer and join her.

The weekends are the time when I always tell myself that I am going to be extra productive, maybe write a few posts ahead of time or do some research but I never do. That's when I do a lot of reading and when I test or try out the more complex apps on my list of ones to review. If I watch any YouTube, it's going to be on the weekend. The same goes for listening to music. I'll spend some time installing app updates. When you collect software the way I do, there are always updates. I also spend some time looking at old photos and working on my quotes collection which is over 500 documents now, approaching 600. Sometimes I'll go on what I call a goodwill tour. That's when I spend time reading an article at the time in my RSS reader and then write some kind of response to the blogger via email, guestbook or comments form. I meet a lot of cool people like that and I keep the relationships I've already established intact.

I'm lucky to be a grown ass man. I'm sure my Mom would have been on my case to get off that computer and go outside if I'd been a 90s kid instead of a 70s kid. Wonder Woman lets me do whatever i want and these days what I feel like doing when I'm not following her through the woods is to sit here with this computer on my lap and talk to you good people.

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