Living Out Loud

You Can't Love Both

Donald Trump and the Bible

I'm old enough to remember when people of faith could justify their affiliation with the Republican Party. That party as it exists today is far removed from the Christianity I was raised around. Lately for some reason, I've just felt like pointing that out every chance I get. I think I have just reached my lifetime limit of hateful hypocrisy. I know plenty of good, believing Christians who do not subscribe to the lie that you can follow Jesus and Donald Trump at the same time. My only sister is an ordained Methodist minister at a church in Raleigh and she isn't preaching from her pulpit the kind of anti-LGBT, pro-gun, tax-cutting, pro-death penalty lunacy that conservative MAGA churches are so proud of.

You show me someone singing "And they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love" who is voting for the party of Trump, and you will have shown me a deluded, self-intoxicated, out of touch selfish (and almost certainly white) asshole. I'm just not having it this time around. I am done.

Jesus said, "I was hungry, and you fed me." Republicans cut money for school lunches, SNAP and meals on wheels.

Jesus said, "I was thirsty and you gave me drink." Republicans cut environmental protections for clean water (even though it was Nixon who started the EPA) and they allowed the for-profit privatization of public water.

Jesus said, "I was a stranger and you took me in." Republicans want to deport DACA kids who have lived in the US since they were infants. They banned Muslim refugees. They demonize immigrants as a primary tenet of their new secular religion.

Jesus said, "I was homeless and you gave me room." Republican appointed justices just made it a crime to be homeless in certain places in America.

Jesus said, "I was sick and you cared for me." Republicans are committed to taking away health insurance from the poorest Americans. They propose to make medicine more expensive for seniors.

There is nothing in the modern Republican Party that reminds me of the best Christians I have known. Nothing. It is a movement based on selfishness, white privilege and a disdain for the poor and disadvantaged. I want nothing to do with it and I will be happy to see its hateful ideology go away in the face of an American majority that has rejected it every four years since 1988 with one exception.

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